Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day One

I am calling this blog PARALLELS. In my life I see many parallels between something going on in one part of my life and how there is a consistency in another part. This observation has proven quite helpful when talking and sharing with other people. Often times, a mundane task like me watching someone drive a car allows me to see a Parallel on how they may be in other areas of their life. I wish I was joking but this Christmas I drew a Parallel between how a friend was driving in certain conditions and what their relationship life was like. Within two weeks, exactly what I said in the Parallel came to pass. It is quite strange that who we are shows up in our behavior whether we are aware of it or not.

So I say all that to introduce you to my life, my journey, my walk. God has been very good to me and I look forward to what lies ahead.

From time to time I will be blogging about some upcoming projects, most namely a Leadership Development Curriculum (City of Truth) and an Acting Class Curriculum I am developing (through G-City Films). This year I will be doing more Leading and Teaching. I will also be doing some Mentoring of some young men.

Please feel free to leave your comments. Until then, I will chat with you laters.

- Joseph Dominick

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